Saturday, March 14, 2009


Suzy and her pooch Rosalita
Turtle Wall a climb I want to master

Niki D and her Mama top of Turtle Wall

Yes my friends it has been a while since I have posted, my apologies. The good news is that I have passed my respiratory board to be a Certified Respiratory Therapist! After much studying and taking many practice exams as well as the real exam I have succeeded! What a challenge it was and I began to lose hope for a minute that I would never pass! I am so thrilled to have accomplished this and it is a bittersweet victory. After I passed a feeling of calm passed over me and then panic set it. I realized my very chaotic lifestyle which I had been in for the past two years had finally come to a close. I am not quite sure what to do with myself. I wake each morning knowing all those many things I loved to do in my past are now possible to do. Going to school fulltime, working fulltime, trying to be a mother was quite a heavy load to have and I had to put so many things on hold. Not one day goes by that I dont wear a big grin on my face and hear myself saying "I can do this now"! My passions for the outdoors are resurfacing, and I feel so much excitement to go and explore and be what I was before!

I have been living in between St. George and Salt Lake for the past month now and got to take Nicole down and enjoy a few hikes and adventures in Southern Utah. I have also been able to hang with old dear friends and enjoy snowboarding again and even a bit of longboarding, wow am I out of shape! But I am returning with much vigor and excitement. Hope to see all soon!