Sunday, November 16, 2008

Still packing and a cool delay

As I pack up to leave my grandson decided to make an early appearance! Karston James was born November 15, 2008, 5 lb 14 oz, 20 inches long. It was a long day, I spent a good hour and a half coaching Nicole to push as she yelled at me to "shut up" but I pressed on! It was simply amazing and as you can see from the photos he is a small but beautiful creation! I am not fond of being called a grandma but ive come up with a few alternatives that Nicole is mulling over in her mind....babushka (russian), Nonna (italian), or Abuela (spanish) who knows...hmmm.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today is Vetran's Day. A Day I dont normally celebrate but rather embrace with other soldiers of what we went through and have thoughts of why we didnt press on and finish what we were sent to do. This was a time in my life where I learned to persevere, be patient and be away from loved ones while I fought a sensless battle. It has however taught me to be strong and realize that I can make it through anything life throws at me. 24th Infantry Division, 24th Support Charlie Company, First To Fight!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Packing up

Who knew even after a divorce and two years of downsizing that I still have so much crap! I am doing some fixing of the Rockwood to prepare us for our journey. Minor I might add but needed. I have so many fabulous friends who want to see me before I leave I feel a little overwhelmed but am trying my best to fit them all in before I leave on Saturday. A few I have checked off the list and have placed pictures of them because I simply adore them! Lates!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snow Canyon

On November 1st around 7pm I jumped into the car to check out my first canyon I will live in. Ok probably not the best time to drive four hours but after several Moutain Dews and disgusting gas station food we arrived, in the dark, lost and finally around 2 a.m. found the canyon. Who knew campgrounds close at 10 pm! Rosie and I pulled over on the side of the road and slept. Not two hours later the rain, thunder, and lightning started up. Rosie decided the best spot was underneath me and my sleeping bag, I thought my best spot was not touching any metal and trying to sleep in a semi fetal position. We made it through the night and woke to a spectacular site! Well worth the drive. As you can see from the pictures my new backyard rocks! After speaking with the ranger about my plans I am even more ready to get back down to begin them. I have one hold up left, the dreaded CRT and RRT exams but then...FREEDOM!

The Start

This is the first of many posts as I begin my journey into what some say is a little crazy, a bit on the wild side or maybe just Suzy Q getting back to where she was before. I have decided to leave the comforts of home, family and spend the next few months living in the Canyons of St. George with myself and my pooch Rosalita. We have traded our home in Salt Lake City for a 1990 Rockwood pop up trailer that should be quite the challenge to live in. I have many who would like me to document this soul searching event perhaps to to make sure I am still alive or out of pure curosity. So let the adventure begin!