Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Snow Canyon

On November 1st around 7pm I jumped into the car to check out my first canyon I will live in. Ok probably not the best time to drive four hours but after several Moutain Dews and disgusting gas station food we arrived, in the dark, lost and finally around 2 a.m. found the canyon. Who knew campgrounds close at 10 pm! Rosie and I pulled over on the side of the road and slept. Not two hours later the rain, thunder, and lightning started up. Rosie decided the best spot was underneath me and my sleeping bag, I thought my best spot was not touching any metal and trying to sleep in a semi fetal position. We made it through the night and woke to a spectacular site! Well worth the drive. As you can see from the pictures my new backyard rocks! After speaking with the ranger about my plans I am even more ready to get back down to begin them. I have one hold up left, the dreaded CRT and RRT exams but then...FREEDOM!

1 comment:

Cocotele said...

Woo-hoo!! I can't wait to read this daily and follow your adventures. I wanna be like you when I grow up.