Saturday, January 17, 2009

Suzy and Becky Littlefield Az
Well im finally feeling well enough to start my weekend training with horses. When I decided to move here I knew I would have the opportunity to be around these beautiful creatures and break my intimidation of them. (Most of your remember the love spill I took earlier this spring). I went to my nieces property in Littlefield to hang with her and my sister and all the children including the grandson Karston. As we sat eating lunch they all teased it was time for me to start my horse training and figured I should go round up the two horses that are ridable. Out we headed to the pasture 2 adults 5 kids and 3 dogs, a little much we sent the dogs and half the kids back. My great nephew is quite the horseman already and he set off rounding up his horse Whipper who was not being very obedient. I stood there in awe watching this tiny man run around bossing the horses we finally caught Gideon the older horse and I was holding onto his rope as Becky and Brett attempted to get Whipper. Before I knew it all four horses were around me including the two that still need to be broke. They boxed me in and it was the most amazing feeling, they were snorting and getting up close and personal but all let me touch them as they sniffed and nuzzled me, I felt very humbled by the experience. After riding I got to take off the saddles, lead them back out and let them go. I am so excited to go back out next weekend and learn more especially since the wild ones actually liked me! All in all a good day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Catching up!

Dusty and Corndog

MMMM sushi!

Nicole and I

Lou and I

Christmas 2008
It has been a while since I have posted. I must admit I got a bit behind and I apologize. I did ring in the New Year with friends in Salt Lake, actually one very good friend and her husband was sick with a cold. No biggie I thought I have been on antibiotics. The next day I hung with the old roomie Jeff and we had a great time reliving our Thursday night festivities we had when I was still living there. The next day I went to visit a friend who had the same cold and helped her break up her "mucus" as a good respiratory therapist should. The following night spent time with Tony another friend who had the same cold. As you can see where this is headed I headed back to St. George feeling a bit funny and for the past week have been pretty much flat on my back sick again, still with pneumonia and pinkeye! Oh my for the love of Pete! I did however have a wonderful Christmas with my girls in St. George, we spent time exploring the beautiful canyon's and taking in some mighty tasty sushi! Just last week Dusty and the corndog came to visit even though I was ill I managed to show them around and have a pretty good time. It is starting to warm up and I am hoping to escape the warehouse soon and head back out in the fresh air. I hope all had a wonderful holiday season and look forward to this next year with new found dreams and aspirations!