Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I believe I might have brought the cold weather with me! As you can see in the pictures it is SNOWING in St. George for the third day and it is freeezzzzinnng! My sweet niece Lolly gave me her blow up mattress so I now have a queen size bed which I am very stoked about. This pneumonia is kicking me in the preverbial butt and I am anxious to return to working at full speed again. This adventure sure is not turning out as I planned but every day brings a new surprise and I wake just wondering what is in store for me next, happy, happy, joy, joy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brrr its cold!

Okay, so I knew St. George wasnt exactly Mexico but it has been record breaking lows here! Damn! So after Ranger Ted told me last Wednesday that it was going to get colder and more windy I retreated to the companies warehouse to wait out the upcomming storms. Not a bad idea as by Friday I began to feel sick and after the weekend was sure (as I am a respiratory therapist) that I had a bug. I went to the lovely Instacare and confirmed by the doc that I had very musical lungs... which in short means I have pneumonia. Now, many of you may say, ah ha it is because she is living in a trailer in the cold but negative this is not the case! I contracted it frm a patient I was doing therapy on so there! Plehhhhhhh! So for the time being I am living in the company office/warehouse which is equipped with bathroom and all the respiratory supplies I need to treat my pneumonia. I reluctantly joined a gym which was only 60 bucks for three months and gives me shower potentials (something my warehouse lacks). My experience at the gym has been humorous, I have found myself correcting people on proper lifting and stretching techniques...(I cant help it) and the gym has a martial art component to it which I merely smile at...those of you who truly know me know why I say this! Until next time.... TAKE LUCK!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Poe-poe

There is something to be said about too many police officers and this town definately has way too much time and money on their hands! I noticed the first week I was here that it seemed every corner I went around there was a squad car or motorcycle officer and thought to myself hmm I should watch myself in town. The other day in a 12 hour period I got pulled over not once but twice by these shinny soldiers of the desert! The first I escaped charges from as I clearly explained it was he that was tailgating me and making me increase my speed...shocked he actually let me go! The next morning I was pulled over this time by a motorcycle cop and unfortunately tried to talk my way out of the fact that I was new to town, I didnt know my tags on the company car were expired but he just grinned and told me to go take care of it...ugh...denied! So if your looking for a job in law enforcement this is the place!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well I have not had internet connection until a few days ago so I am catching up on where and what I have been doing. The first week in St. George and I had a few visitors. Dusty and Corndog stopped by for a day and helped me get necessary tools for my adventures. I then had a visit from my old roomate Jeff who took me to Vegas for his softball tournament...the saying goes "what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas" and that is how it will stay! It was good to see him and his team since I know most of them from up in Salt Lake. For the past two nights I have had the delight of sleeping in my trailer with winds up to 60 mph oh what a treat! I thought for sure the trailer was going to blow over! I sat listening to the wind howl and roar waiting for the next gush to send us like the house in Wizard of Oz into the sky. But alas I am still here. Rosie and I are learning about the many diffrent canyons and taking hikes to check them out so as you can see from the pics we are still alive and kicking!

Finally I am out in my new surroundings! After many goodbyes in Salt Lake City on Thanksgiving morning and packing the rest of my stuff I finally left for Delta Utah at 4pm in a very overstuffed trailer and car. The drive was slow because of the weight but my Montero which has been renamed by Dusty and Tony as the “Coolero” was a trooper and made it through our first part of the journey. I spent a couple of days down at my parents which was quite the nice visit along with hanging with the new grandson…sounds so weird to say that because I feel much too young to have such a title. I have toyed with three different names he can call me, Babushka, Abuela or Nonna all which still mean grandmother but in a gentler way ha ha! I left for St. George on Saturday afternoon and got into town around 9pm. Because this was my maiden voyage I decided it best to crash at the company warehouse instead of trying to set up the trailer in the dark which was a smart idea but not so good on the back, sleeping on a concrete floor has its challenges and I paid the price this morning when I woke up. After unloading some things at the warehouse I headed to Snow Canyon and pulled up to the ranger station, Ranger Ted was there and remembered me from a few weeks ago. He smiled and exclaimed “wow you really are doing this!” I smiled back and answered yeah should be fun. I love that I could pull into the space I have because backing this trailer up would have been a disaster! All in all I set up the trailer with minimal problems, however, I forgot to put down the back supports and sent myself toppling backwards when I went to put the back bed down…quite humorous but I figured it out. I am now unpacked and exhausted but quite pleased I have made it through the first day!