Friday, December 12, 2008

The Poe-poe

There is something to be said about too many police officers and this town definately has way too much time and money on their hands! I noticed the first week I was here that it seemed every corner I went around there was a squad car or motorcycle officer and thought to myself hmm I should watch myself in town. The other day in a 12 hour period I got pulled over not once but twice by these shinny soldiers of the desert! The first I escaped charges from as I clearly explained it was he that was tailgating me and making me increase my speed...shocked he actually let me go! The next morning I was pulled over this time by a motorcycle cop and unfortunately tried to talk my way out of the fact that I was new to town, I didnt know my tags on the company car were expired but he just grinned and told me to go take care of it...ugh...denied! So if your looking for a job in law enforcement this is the place!

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