Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well I have not had internet connection until a few days ago so I am catching up on where and what I have been doing. The first week in St. George and I had a few visitors. Dusty and Corndog stopped by for a day and helped me get necessary tools for my adventures. I then had a visit from my old roomate Jeff who took me to Vegas for his softball tournament...the saying goes "what goes on in Vegas stays in Vegas" and that is how it will stay! It was good to see him and his team since I know most of them from up in Salt Lake. For the past two nights I have had the delight of sleeping in my trailer with winds up to 60 mph oh what a treat! I thought for sure the trailer was going to blow over! I sat listening to the wind howl and roar waiting for the next gush to send us like the house in Wizard of Oz into the sky. But alas I am still here. Rosie and I are learning about the many diffrent canyons and taking hikes to check them out so as you can see from the pics we are still alive and kicking!

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