Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finally I am out in my new surroundings! After many goodbyes in Salt Lake City on Thanksgiving morning and packing the rest of my stuff I finally left for Delta Utah at 4pm in a very overstuffed trailer and car. The drive was slow because of the weight but my Montero which has been renamed by Dusty and Tony as the “Coolero” was a trooper and made it through our first part of the journey. I spent a couple of days down at my parents which was quite the nice visit along with hanging with the new grandson…sounds so weird to say that because I feel much too young to have such a title. I have toyed with three different names he can call me, Babushka, Abuela or Nonna all which still mean grandmother but in a gentler way ha ha! I left for St. George on Saturday afternoon and got into town around 9pm. Because this was my maiden voyage I decided it best to crash at the company warehouse instead of trying to set up the trailer in the dark which was a smart idea but not so good on the back, sleeping on a concrete floor has its challenges and I paid the price this morning when I woke up. After unloading some things at the warehouse I headed to Snow Canyon and pulled up to the ranger station, Ranger Ted was there and remembered me from a few weeks ago. He smiled and exclaimed “wow you really are doing this!” I smiled back and answered yeah should be fun. I love that I could pull into the space I have because backing this trailer up would have been a disaster! All in all I set up the trailer with minimal problems, however, I forgot to put down the back supports and sent myself toppling backwards when I went to put the back bed down…quite humorous but I figured it out. I am now unpacked and exhausted but quite pleased I have made it through the first day!

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