Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brrr its cold!

Okay, so I knew St. George wasnt exactly Mexico but it has been record breaking lows here! Damn! So after Ranger Ted told me last Wednesday that it was going to get colder and more windy I retreated to the companies warehouse to wait out the upcomming storms. Not a bad idea as by Friday I began to feel sick and after the weekend was sure (as I am a respiratory therapist) that I had a bug. I went to the lovely Instacare and confirmed by the doc that I had very musical lungs... which in short means I have pneumonia. Now, many of you may say, ah ha it is because she is living in a trailer in the cold but negative this is not the case! I contracted it frm a patient I was doing therapy on so there! Plehhhhhhh! So for the time being I am living in the company office/warehouse which is equipped with bathroom and all the respiratory supplies I need to treat my pneumonia. I reluctantly joined a gym which was only 60 bucks for three months and gives me shower potentials (something my warehouse lacks). My experience at the gym has been humorous, I have found myself correcting people on proper lifting and stretching techniques...(I cant help it) and the gym has a martial art component to it which I merely smile at...those of you who truly know me know why I say this! Until next time.... TAKE LUCK!!!

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